
Driving Instructor Training

Driver Instructor Training in Essex

Streetlife Driving School has been helping people steer their career in the right direction and realise their dream of becoming a driving instructor by offering Driving Instructor Training in Essex for over 24 years. Streetlife Driving School is a successful friendly run business, with an outstanding reputation in both instructor training and teaching learner drivers throughout Essex. The great thing about our Approved Driving Instructor training (ADI training) is you can easily fit it around your existing commitments and no big upfront payments so you can trust in us from the moment you walk through our doors and throughout our specialist training programme, you will benefit from our professional and friendly working environment.

Our Instructor Training (ADI training) friendly team are fully committed to making sure you make the best possible start to your new career.

We have made sure all our instructors have been trained by one of our trainers to keep up our good reputation. We pride ourselves with professional, polite and patient instruction.

Due to increasing demand Streetlife Driving School is growing in size. We welcome you to join us in Essex, to help meet these demands, in return you will receive the best up to date training available.

Want to know more on how to become a driving instructor?

ADI Part 1 Instructor Training Test

The first part of the theory test is made up of 100 questions split into 4 sections, for every question there will be four possible answers.

The questions are based on the following:

  • Road procedure
  • Traffic signs and signals, car control, Pedestrians, mechanical knowledge
  • Driving test, disabilities, law
  • Publications, instructional techniques

The second part of the Instructor training test is the hazard perception. This part is designed to test your ability to identify hazards which arise while driving.

You’ll then watch 14 video clips. The clips:

  • feature everyday road scenes
  • contain at least one ‘developing hazard’ – but one of the clips features 2 developing hazards

Streetlife Driving School will help you to succeed in passing both these exams with our up to date instructor training. We will supply extensive books, a CD and a hazard awareness video. You will also receive one-to-one theory lessons, mock tests and all the support you may need on your journey to become a driving instructor.

Part 2 : Driving Ability

There are 5 parts to the approved driving instructor (ADI) part 2 test:

  • an eyesight check
  • ‘show me, tell me’ vehicle safety questions
  • general driving ability
  • manoeuvres
  • independent driving

The test lasts for about one hour. The eyesight test consists of reading a number plate (with the aid of glasses if worn) from a distance of:

  • 26.5 meters (new number plates)
  • 27.5 meters (old number plates)

The driving technique consists of 5 vehicle safety questions known as Show me Tell me questions. These test that you know how to carry out basic safety tasks.

You’ll be asked:

  • 3 ‘tell me’ questions at the start of your test, before you start driving
  • 2 ‘show me’ questions while you’re driving – for example, showing how to wash the windscreen using the car controls and wipers

You’ll get a driving fault for each incorrect answer you give.

You’ll get a serious fault and fail the test if you answer all 5 questions incorrectly, or if you lose control of the car while answering any of the ‘show me’ questions.

Your general driving ability

You’ll have to show the examiner all of the following:

  • expert handling of the controls
  • use of correct road procedure
  • anticipation of the actions of other road users and then taking appropriate action
  • sound judgement of distance, speed and timing
  • consideration for the convenience and safety of other road users
  • driving in an environmentally-friendly manner

You’ll drive in varying road and traffic conditions, including motorways or dual carriageways where possible.

You might also be asked to carry out an emergency stop.

Reversing your vehicle

The examiner will ask you to do 2 of the following exercises:

  • parallel park at the side of the road
  • reverse into a parking bay and drive out
  • drive into a parking bay and reverse out
  • pull up on the right-hand side of the road, reverse for around 2 car lengths, and rejoin the traffic

Independent driving

You’ll have to drive for about 20 minutes by following either:

  • directions from a sat nav
  • traffic signs

The examiner will tell you which you have to do.

Following directions from a sat nav

The examiner will provide the sat nav and set it up for you.

You cannot follow directions from your own sat nav during the test.

Going off the route

Your test result will not be affected if you take a wrong turning, unless you make a fault while doing it.

The examiner will help you get back on the route if you do.

Streetlife Driving School will provide you with an instructor with a dual controlled car on a one-to-one basis for your Driving Instructor training. The lessons will be tailored to meet your requirements to ensure you reach the required Driver Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) standards. Mock tests with another Instructor Trainer can also be carried out, this allows any faults to be recorded and discussed with you before taking your Driving Instructor Practical exam.

Part 3 : ADI Instructional Ability Test

What happens during the test

A Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) examiner will watch you give a client-centred driving lesson lasting about 45 minutes to one of your pupils.

Your pupil must drive for at least 40 minutes of the lesson.

At the start of the lesson, discuss the goals for the lesson and risk management with your pupil. Because of coronavirus (COVID-19), this should take no more than 3 minutes.

At the end of the lesson, give your pupil no more than 3 minutes to reflect on their performance.

The examiner will look for evidence that you meet the national standard for driver and rider training.

Your pupil

Your pupil can be a:

  • partly trained learner
  • fully trained learner
  • full licence holder

Your pupil cannot be:

  • a learner who has just started learning to drive
  • an approved driving instructor (ADI) or someone else who is preparing to take the ADI part 3 test

What you’ll be marked on

You’ll be marked on 17 areas of competence that are grouped into 3 categories:

  • lesson planning
  • risk management
  • teaching and learning strategies

The 17 areas of competence are listed in the ADI part 3 test report form, which the examiner will fill in at the end of your test.

You’ll get a score from 0 to 3 for each of the 17 competencies, which are added up to work out if you’ve passed the test, and what your grade will be.

Streetlife Driving School will provide you with a trainer in a dual controlled car on a one-to-one basis with lessons that can be arranged to suit your life style. During Instructor training lessons the instructor will role play as a pupil and stage various situations from:

  • Safety precautions on entering the car and explanation of the controls
  • Moving Off and Stopping
  • Dealing with Crossroads
  • Approaching Junctions to Turn Left or Right
  • Reverse exercises
  • Emerging At T Junctions
  • Use of the Mirrors and Emergency Stop
  • Progress, Road Positioning and Hesitancy
  • Pedestrian Crossings and the Use of Signals
  • Reverse Parking
  • Overtaking, meeting and crossing the path of other road users, allowing adequate clearance.

We will explain the problems and educate you on how to Identify, Analyse and rectify the faults.


FREE Extra Training on how to become a Driving Instructor

We also offer you UNLIMITED EXTRA time with our other ADI qualified driving instructors so that you can watch and learn what happens on a daily basis with real pupils all FREE OF CHARGE, this will give you an insight into the driving instructor industry and help you with your Instructor training.

What can i earn as a Driving Instructor

The figures shown below are a general guide to your weekly potential earnings, depending on how many hours and days you would like to work. All figures are taken at an hourly rate of £36 and are correct at time of printing.

  • For a 30 hour week – gross £1080.00
  • For a 35 hour week – gross £1260.00
  • For a 40 hour week – gross £1440.00
  • For a 45 hour week – gross £1620.00

This would mean that a gross yearly income may be between £56,160 and £84,240. Remember to allow for any tax that may be payable, national insurance contributions and expenses.

How Much Does Instructor Training Cost?

All our Training is one to one and ALL PAY AS YOU GO which gives you the best experience. Learning to become an instructor might be cheaper than you think. Below are our typical costs for the above instructor training courses.

PART 1: Instructor theory exam

Including: Home study work books, Complete Online Theory and hazard Perception awareness, Along with one to one mock tests.

Administration and Supply books – £400.00

PART 2 (in car) Instructor practical exam

Estimated (6 hours) – £240.00

(These hours can be reduced with private practice)

PART 3 (in car) Instructional Training exam

Set by Dvsa Governing Body (40 hours) – £1600.00

Streetlife Driving School instructor training total cost for training – £2240

Any additional hours if required would be charged at £40.00 per hour.

The course can be tailored to meet your needs. You can, if you wish, pay for the course on our ‘pay as you train’ scheme. This means you do not need to pay for the course in one lump sum – you can spread the cost.

Driving standards agency examination fees,

  • Part 1 = £81.00
  • Part 2 = £111.00
  • Part 3 = £111.00

All prices are correct at time of printing